

  • Aug 28, 2020 The perfect chair for every room

    There are not many pieces of furniture that you find in every single room of your home - except for the chair. Chairs come in so many different styles and shapes, and we're here to help you pick out the best one for each room.

  • Aug 28, 2020 Create an inviting office space

    Your office can reflect and enhance the culture of your business. The physical environment of your office space can affect your team's happiness, creativity, and productivity.

  • Aug 28, 2020 Let's bring back the clock

    In a world full of smart phones and smart watches, it has come to our attention that people seem to have forgotten about the clock. The classic, analog clock that is not only useful to tell time - but can be a beautiful piece of home decor and make a statement in any room.

  • Aug 28, 2020 Making your bedroom cozy

    Your bedroom should be the most relaxing room in your house! The average person spends around 8 hours a night sleeping. 8 hours per day, times 7 days a week, times 52 weeks a year equals..... a lot of hours sleeping!

  • Aug 28, 2020 Kitchen Lighting Guide

    Whether you're starting from scratch in a new kitchen, or just deciding to switch it up - you'll need to cover the three lighting types. General, which provides basic light for the room; Task lighting, which highlights a specific work area; and Accent lighting, which can create a focal point in the room.

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